Lab Definition       


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As you may know, part of the underwriting process is to obtain a blood and urine sample.  From this sample, the insurance company determines your risk factors based on the Full Blood Chemistry Results.  Once your policy has been placed we obtain your lab results for you so you have them for your records.  Below find the definitions for the results found in your lab results.

The testing of your blood and urine was done for underwriting purposes only and makes no representation as to whether the values reflect favorable or unfavorable clinical results.  This testing is no substitute for regular medical care.  The "Normal" range for various results is shown on the blood and/or  urinalysis report.  Acceptable test result, for the underwriting of your application, may differ from those used by your personal physician in clinical medicine.  If you obtain abnormal results, you may want to consult with your physician.

For your information, the following list includes very brief definition, purpose and significance of the various tests performed in the blood profile and urinalysis.  This list includes only the more common reason for abnormalities.  For many of these tests results, there may also be numerous other reasons for abnormalities not listed here.  Please note that not all these tests may have been performed on your specimens.


SERUM HIV ANTIBODY STATUS is a test for antibody to the human-immunodeficiency virus (HIV or AIDS virus).  A "non" reactive result is a negative or favorable result.

GLUCOSE abnormalities may relate to diabetes.  Other conditions may contribute to results outside of normal range.

FRUCTOSAMINE provides an indication of the average blood glucose over the last 2 to 3 weeks.  May indicate the degree of control of diabetes.

HGB A1C    (Hemoglobin A1C or Glycohemoglobin) provides an indication of the average blood glucose over the last 6 to 8 weeks.  May indicate the degree of control of diabetes.

BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) is a product of the metabolism of proteins.  May indicate acute or chronic kidney disorders.

CREATINE is a waste product released from muscle tissue and excreted by the kidneys.  Like BUN, it is used to screen for kidney function or kidney disorders.

ALK.PHOS (Alkaline Phosphatase) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver and bone.  Abnormalities may result from liver, bone or bile duct disorders.

BILI.TOT. (Total Bilirubin) is a waste product from the breakdown of hemoglobin from red blood cells.  May indicate liver or blood disorders.

SGOT/AST (Serum glutamic oxcalacetic transaminase) is an enzyme found in heart, liver, and muscle tissue.  May indicate liver disorders.

SGPT/ALT (Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver.  May indicate liver disorders.

GGT./GGTP (Gamma gluamyl transpepitdase) is an enzyme found in the liver.  May indicate liver disorders. 

HAA (Hemoglobin-associated acetaldehyde) and CDT (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin) are tests to screen for increased alcohol use.  Recent brief or episodic drinking does not result in abnormalities.

TOTAL PROTEIN, ALBUMIN and GLOBULIN are seldom abnormal in persons applying for insurance.  May indicate liver, kidney or immune system disorders.

CHOLESTEROL (Total) is one of the fatty substances in the blood know as lipids.  Maintaining lipids at lower levels may reduce coronary heart disease.

HDL CHOLESTEROL is the "good" cholesterol fraction and may contribute to reduced risk for coronary heart disease.  A higher number here is more favorable.

LDL CHOLESTEROL is the "bad" cholesterol fraction.  A lower number here is more favorable.

CHOL/HDL CHOL. RATION is the total cholesterol result divided by the HDL cholesterol result.  A lower number here is more favorable as it may indicate a reduced risk for coronary heart disease.

LDL/HDL RATIO is the "bad" cholesterol divided by the "good" cholesterol.  A lower number here is more favorable.

TRIGLYCERIDES are other lipids.  Elevations may increase risk of coronary heart disease.

PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN is a screening for prostate cancer.

HEPATITIS TEST includes a number of tests for antigens and/or antibodies to the various types of hepatitis.




DIURETIC AGTS is a test for a type of medications used to treat blood pressure or fluid retention.

COT(NIC) is continie, a metabolite of nicotine, found in tobacco and nicotine treatment preparations.  Reports only above normal a level that avoids positive test results among non-users of tobacco/nicotine.

COCAINE is a special test for specific metabolite of cocaine.

GLUCOSE may occur with diabetes or suggest need for further testing for diabetes.

PROTEIN is a test for plasma proteins in the urine.  May indicate kidney disease.

MICROALBUMIN is a specific fraction of proteins that can appear in the urine.  May help predict risk in those with elevated blood pressure or diabetes.

LEUKOCYTE SCREEN is to detect presence of white blood cells.  If negative, the microscopic exam is not done for white blood cells.

WHITE BLOOD CELLS(/HPF) may indicate infection in the urinary tract.

RED BLOOD CELLS(/HPF) may indicate kidney or other urinary tract disorder.

GRANULAR CASTS(/40LPF), HYALINE CASTS(/40LPF) may appear normally or indicate kidney disorder.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY indicates whether the urine is concentrated or diluted.

URINE TEMP (FAHRENHEIT) indicates the temperature, if the urine collection container included a temperature sensor.

CREATININE is a waste product released from muscle tissue and excreted by the kidneys.  May indicate acute or chronic kidney disorders.

PROT/CREAT is the ratio of protein to creatinine in the urine.  May indicate kidney disorders.

ADULTERANT TESTS screen for a number of variables to detect urine adulteration or substitution.










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Last modified: June 13, 2012